Are you looking for a property to buy online in Manipur? This site could help you buy a property of 10,500 sqft at Hiyangthang Thongkhong samurou road mayai Lambi Main Road. You can contact the sellers at the following contact address

Phone number: 8798905139

Best Place to start a business in Manipur for sale in 2023. This is a genuine property located on the main road of Mayai Lambi Road. Nearby towns Hiyangthang kabui khul, Tarahei, Samurou, Lilong. HIyangthang Thong hek lanthokpaga masigi property asi uba fangani. Hujik hujik sunday market oina fammaga leibani rental oina. First come first serve. For pricing and more details please do contact the following contact address above online.
HIyangthang lou ingkhol olx manipur 2023

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A citizen of Manipur can buy this farm at cheapest price.